I want to divided the 66days to be 3 parts, because I just to make it to be a small practice. It is called vegetarian
experience. My volunteer who was a meat eating girl. The fist stage(22 days) she will experience like a semi-vegetarian, she could eat white meat, like fish and chicken. Move to the second stage (22 days) she will become
a lactovegetarian that she could not eat any meat even fish, but she could eat egg and drink milk. The third stage(22 days)she will become a vegan that meanings she could not eat any products made by animal(like egg and milk).At the same time, she should record her felling and her social things. This could be show a
vegetarian's living condition. And this is a exciting experience, just like you play another role in your life.
See what happen. This is attract me. And I also got little piece of the diary.