
5 keywords of GCD

In my opinion, the 5 words are more special for Graphic Design and Communiacation : concept, process,semiotics,narrative and technology.
Concept is very important for every area of design word. What a designer want to express? How to express it? Why it is like this? These three questions are closely link with concept. This is the origainal idea and thinking. Concept is not only the designer's thinking, it is also the audiences' .
As a designer, creative thinking is much important for a concept. Green design,  functionalism. For the contemporary world, make the design more envrionmental friendly.
Process significant part of design work.When you have a good idea or a concept. How to make the idea take shape, critical think about it, find a way to solove it.
Mind map, sketchbook , collect materials,anylize, reseach the releveant inforemation. These are all the relevant tools of the process.
Semiotics is relation betweensigns and the thingsto which they refer. Especially the abstract symbol.
Narrative play as an important role in the graphic design, which is a communication tool of the design work.
Narrative is communication which depends on the ability of storytelling. we also need a script, like a
poem,or a myth. Audiences like an image containing story.
Technology is the request of the contemporary design. We need to broke the boundries of different profession.
Crossover. For instance,graphic designer should have some knoleges about the 3D, or making video.
Collaboration with other partners.

